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AI AutoBots Pro OTO

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>>Try AI AutoBots Pro(Frond End) Copy At 93% Off<<

>>Try AI AutoBots Pro Bundle Deal (FE+ALL OTOs)<<

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>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO1: Advanced Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO2: Template Club Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO3: Business Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO4: Reseller Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO5: Prompt Engine Pro Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO6: JustTap Special Edition<<

What is AI AutoBots Pro?

Create your Own ChatGPT-like AI AutoBot In 60 Seconds or Less Train AI to Answer Any Question for your Business!

AI AutoBots Pro OTO- How Does AI AutoBots Pro Work?

Train your own AI AutoBot in 3 Simple Steps…

Step#1-Create your campaign and select your Data Source (URL, Text, File)

Step#2-Customize your AI AutoBot

Step#3-Embed anywhere you want



Frond End: AI AutoBots Pro($37)

1. Organize your AutoBot Campaigns under Workspaces

Create separate workspace for different Businesses and manage Multiple AutoBot Campaigns under each Workspace. You can have campaigns for Lead Generation & sales, customer support, employee onboarding and so on…

2. Train the AI using URL

Just add a URL that has the info about your product and Train the AI to answer questions about your Business or products or policies…

3. Ability to Fetch Data from all sub URLs

The AI crawls and familiarizes with all the data and information in the Sub URLs under the main URL.

4. Ability to Train the AutoBot using Multiple URLs

You can also Train the AutoBot for Multiple URLs by editing the source and adding more URLs

5. Train the AI using Text

Copy & Paste Text and AI will fully learn the content and answer any questions.

6. Train the AI using a File

Drop a Text file for the AI to learn your Business in seconds.

7. Ability to Train using Multiple Files

Use Multiple files to Train the AI by editing the source.

8. Train the AI using a list of Q & A’s

AI can also be trained with a set of Question and Answers that come up frequently.

9. Use a combination of Sources to Train the AI

You can use a combination of URL Text, File & Q&A to Train the AutoBot to learn your Business.

10. Embed the AutoBot on ANY Page or even multiple pages

You can embed the AutoBot in any page and it will appear within the page wherever you have added. You can even embed it on multiple pages.

11. Add the AutoBot as a widget on ANY Page or even multiple pages

You can add the AutoBot as a widget that will be on the corner of your page. You can choose to add it to multiple pages too.

12. Ability to Restrict the Domains on which the AutoBot will work

The AutoBots can even be set to work on specific domains. You can set up the domains on which it can work.

13. Customize the AutoBot

Customize the AutoBot with your custom logo, color and even AutoBot Name.

14. Set Welcome Message on Bot

Set a default welcome message on your AutoBots to greet your page visitors.

15. Collect Leads

You can add Opt ins to grow your leads through AutoBots.

16. AutoResponder Integration

Get the leads added to your AutoResponder and start nurturing the leads and turn them into paying customers.

17. Set Email Notifications

You can even set up email notifications and send a welcome message to people who opt-in. You can also receive email notifications when someone new signs up to your list.

18. Set up Pre-filled Questions

You can set up pre-filled questions on the AutoBot and the user can easily choose a commonly asked question from the list and get their doubts cleared.

19. Ability to handle multiple conversations

Autobots can work tirelessly 24 x 7 and can handle multiple clients at the same time without any trouble.

20. Ability to Train Bots in ANY Language of your Choice

You can train the AutoBots in any Language of your Choice.

21. Ability to Train the same Bot in Multiple Languages

If you have clients speaking different languages, you can even train the bot with content in different languages and get them to answer depending on the language the questions come in

22. Store Response History

The entire conversation by the AutoBot. will be stored to help you understand the kind of questions coming in the Chats. You can use these conversations to update the AI and optimize the results.

23. Ability to Update the AI anytime

You can update the knowledge of the AI anytime you want. Whenever you change a policy, pricing or you have new information on your website, you can choose to update the AI and it will be up to speed with your new content in literally seconds.

24. Time-based Chat Initiation

Chat can be initiated on the page after the visitor crossed a certain amount of time on the page.

25. Complete Visitor Analytics

AI AutoBots Pro gives complete Visitor Analytics. It will show you the number of leads generated, Clicks on the conversation, Questions, response and so much more.

26. DFY AutoBot Templates

Pick and choose a DFY AutoBot Template for your AutoBot from a collection of hand-crafted Templates.

27. Personalized Conversations

Conversations if needed can be personalized after collecting the visitor information in opt-in.

28. Right to Left (RTL) Text

Ability to train the AutoBot in RTL Text and even get responses in RTL format.

29. Localize the AutoBots

The AutoBots can be Localized by adding the Default text in ANY language

30. Commercial Rights

Ability to create & Sell AutoBots to other Businesses for profits.


>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO1: Advanced Edition($77)<<

1. Unlimited Workspace

Organize your work in multiple workspaces. You can create multiple workspaces to manage your clients or different projects. There is no restriction on the number of workspaces that you can create.

2. Unlimited AutoBot Campaigns

Just like unlimited workspaces, you can create unlimited AutoBot Campaigns under each workspace without any restrictions. Imagine the number of AutoBots that you can sell to other Businesses and make profits just with this one feature.

3. Collect Unlimited Leads

This feature removes all the limitations on the number of leads you can collect using AI AutoBots Pro. Sky is the limit. You can collect as many leads as possible and add them directly to your Autoresponder.

4. Remove Branding

Don’t want your clients and website visitors to know that you are using AI AutoBots Pro for your AutoBot Campaigns? You can just turn off the branding with the flip of a switch. Anyone interacting with your AutoBot will never know that it was created using AI AutoBots Pro.

5. Advanced Engagement Booster

The Engagement Booster feature will help you Auto Initiate a message after a certain time along with a recommendation. For example if you have some offers running on certain categories on your website, you can use this to add the URL of that along with some text and image to send a message which will trigger a response from the page visitor.

6. Book Appointments

If you are a consultant, service provider, coach, Doctor, salon, Chiropractor, your business depends on booking more appointments. How about AutoBots doing that for you?

You can use the embed code of any of your Appointment booking softwares like Calendly, AppointOMatic to book appointments. The best part is you don’t have to be around and the AutoBots will take care of it.

7. Collect Testimonials

In times when Social Proof is everything, collecting Testimonials from customers is very crucial. If you are still doing it old school by sending them out an email to share a testimonial, you already know it doesn’t work that way. With this feature customers / users can share their Testimonial while in conversation with the AutoBots and the AutoBots will save it for you in the backend.

8. Collect Rating & Feedback

You can also quickly collect feedback & Rating from your customers about anything. You can ask them if they were able to find what they were looking for or you can ask them about their experience with the interaction with the AutoBot.

9. Grow your Social Following

This feature gives you the ability to add Social Icons to your AutoBots which you can link with your Social pages. You can use this feature to convert your website Traffic into Social Followers. A very powerful one.

10. Add Custom Background to AutoBots

You can customize the AutoBots with Custom Backgrounds. You can express your brand’s image by adding custom created backgrounds that you can upload and make it your own.

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO2: Template Club Edition($37)<<

1. Unlock 100+ Hand Crafted DFY AutoBot Templates Instantly

2. Unlock 20+ DFY AutoBot Templates every month for the next 12 Months

3. Done-For-You AutoBot Templates in 20+ Popular Niches

4. New and in-demand Niches will be added over the next 12 months

5. Unlimited UsageCommercial Rights

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO3: Business Edition($47)<<

1. This opens the possibility to manage unlimited clients,

2. ability to add custom branding and even comes with a full marketing package to run an AI AutoBot Agency Business.

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO4: Reseller Edition($147)<<

1. This upgrade lets you resell AI AutoBots Pro to anyone.

2. It comes with a separate Reseller Panel and the ability to create client accounts and also comes with a Reseller kit with all Marketing Materials to sell AI Auto Bots Pro.

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO5: Prompt Engine Pro Edition($47)<<

1. This upgrade gives access to a Chrome Plugin that runs inside Chat GPT.

2. It comes with various categories and subcategories and ability to access 10,000+ tried and tested Prompts along with ability to refine prompts.

3. It also comes with a backend with workspaces that will store your ChatGPT conversational History.

4. It covers various categories such as Email Marketing, CopyWriting, Online Funnel, Affiliate Marketing, Website, Ecommerce, Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, Customer Support, SMS  Marketing, Podcast Marketing, SEO and so on… 

5. This also comes with the ability to record videos using a built-in Teleprompter for both desktop and mobile devices to help one create videos from the content ChatGPT Generates.

6. You can also create client accounts which lets clients install the plugin and access their workspaces alone.

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO6: JustTap Special Edition($47)<<

1. This Upgrade gives access to first-to-Market NFC Tech Agency app

2. that lets your create contactless Digital Business Cards,

3. generates leads

4. collects payments

5. gets followers

6. collects reviews and so much more in just a Tap…

AI AutoBots Pro OTO- Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Technology behind this app?

This App uses ChatGPT API to train your AutoBots for your content.

2. How does the credit system work and how many free credits do I get?

You get 1000 free credits with the commercial version. When a customer lands on your page and initiates a conversation with your AutoBot and gets a response, it will be counted as 1 credit. To be more specific (1 Prompt (Question) + 1 Answer = 1 Credit)

3. Can you explain in simple terms what this app does?

AI AutoBots Pro helps you create AutoBots that can be placed on your websites and pages to answer questions from clients, customers, employees or any other stakeholders.

Unlike Traditional ChatBots, AutoBots are intelligent Bots that learn details about your Business in seconds when you provide it with a URL, Text or a file. It familiarizes with the content and uses Natural Language Processing capabilities to answer questions just like how humans would do or even better!

4. I do not have any pages or websites. How can I benefit from using this app?

No problem. You can use this app to help other Businesses create AutoBots and charge them a premium. You can even charge recurring fees for maintenance and updates.

5. Can I know about the Upgrades?

Yes. There are 6 upgrades.

Upgrade 1 – Advanced – It makes everything unlimited and even removes AI AutoBots Pro branding from your campaigns. It has game-changing features including Engagement Booster, Bot customization, Appointment Booking, Feedback collection, Social Following Boost Feature and so much more..

Upgrade 2 – Template Club – This is where you get 100+ AutoBot Templates in popular Niches. You will also unlock 20+ New Templates every month for the next 12 months.

Upgrade 3 – Business Upgrade – This will unlock unlimited clients and give you all the superpowers to run an AI AutoBot Agency.

Upgrade 4 – Reseller – License to sell AI AutoBots Pro and keep 100% of the Profits.

Upgrade 5 – AI AutoBots Pro Prompt Engine Special – You get access to a chrome plugin that runs inside ChatGPT and preloaded with 10000+ Prompts in Popular categories along with a backend to store your history and even record video using in-built Teleprompter.

Upgrade 6 – AI AutoBots Pro JusTap Special – This Upgrade gives you access to First-to-Market NFC Tech Agency App that lets you create contactless Digital Business cards, generate leads, collect payments, get followers, collect reviews and more in just a Tap.

6. Do you have Tutorials?

Yes! We do have Tutorials and a fully searchable knowledge base that will hand hold you to creating your first campaign

7. Do I need the paid version of ChatGPT for this to work?

No. The basic free version is sufficient for this to work and get you great results. Also the app comes with included credits.

8. What happens when the credits get over?

You can connect your own ChatGPT by putting in your API keys. ChatGPT gives you $18 worth of credits that will be valid for 3 months. If you exhaust that you will be charged by ChatGPT as per your usage. The charges are very minimal. You will be charged approximately 70 cents for about 300,000 words. That is a lot!

9. What Can I use this App for?

If you or your clients have a website then you can use this app to be available for your prospects / customers 24 x 7. You can guide them, help them select your products and services and answer any questions they may have. You can also use this to give instant responses to your customers instead of making them wait for hours to get answers.

10. Do we get Agency & Commercial rights?

Yes! You do get Agency and commercial rights that allow you to sell AutoBots to other Businesses. The Agency rights lets you create client accounts and assign them workspaces to manage their own campaigns or review the campaigns you have created for them.

11. Do you have a bundle deal?

Once you pick AI AutoBots Pro from this page, you will be presented with a fast-pass bundle deal that includes all the upgrades for a low one-time price.

12. Is there a Monthly fee?

You are in luck. We are running a limited-time only founding member’s launch and during this period, if you get AI AutoBots Pro, you will be able to secure it for the lowest possible one-time only price.

13. Do you have a money-back Guarantee?

Yes! We do have a 30 days no questions asked money back guarantee. If you are not satisfied for some reason, you can claim a full refund within this period.

14. I have never used Chat GPT or any AI tools before. Will this work for me?

You do not need any prior experience to use the app. It is 100% Newbie friendly.

15. I have specific questions. How can I get them answered?

Sure. Please write to us at support@aiautobotspro.com

Support Link

AI AutoBots Pro OTO-Conclusion

Hopefully, With My Honest Thoughts About AI AutoBots Pro OTO, I Really Hope It Did Help You With Your Buying Decision.

I Understand The Decision Of take out $37 One-Time Price Is Not Simply Made But This Investment Is Profitable And For A Sustainable Business.

And Your Investment Is Guaranteed Safely Thanks To 30 Days Refund Without Any Questions Asked.

Thank You So Much For Reading My AI AutoBots Pro OTO.

This System Is Coming Out With Many Bonuses For The Early Bird in AI AutoBots Pro OTO.

Take Your Action ASAP For The Best Deal.

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Use Coupon “autobotsoff” For $5 Off on FE

Use Coupon “fastpass” For $32 Off on FastPass

Use Coupon “autobots50off” For $50 Off on Bundle Deal

>>Try AI AutoBots Pro(Frond End) Copy At 93% Off<<

>>Try AI AutoBots Pro Bundle Deal (FE+ALL OTOs)<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO1: Advanced Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO2: Template Club Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO3: Business Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO4: Reseller Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO5: Prompt Engine Pro Edition<<

>>AI AutoBots Pro OTO6: JustTap Special Edition<<

How To Claim Bonuses?

Just Send Us Your Purchase Receipt At Support@Otosinfo.Com

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